Affordable Housing and Community Redevelopment
- Multi-Family Apartments
- Single-Family Homes
- Supportive Housing for Young Adults & Senior Citizens
- Homebuyer Education & Housing Counseling
- Homeowner Resource Navigation
- Home Weatherization Information
- Home Repair Disaster Recovery
- Apartamentos Multifamiliares
- Vivienda Unifamiliar
- Vivienda de Apoyo para Adultos Jóvenes y Personas Mayores
- Educación y Asesoramiento para Compradores de Vivienda
- Navegación de Recursos para propietarios de Vivienda
- Climatización y Mejoras para la Vivienda
- Recuperación de Desastres Naturales para la Vivienda
Tejano Center continues its legacy of building homes and creating homeownership for many who might otherwise not have the opportunity.
These are some of the down payment assistance programs available and other informative websites to help with the process of purchasing a house.
Affordable Housing Program
The Affordable Housing Program at the Tejano Center for Community Concerns (TCCC) is a HUD-certified Housing Counseling Agency, a NeighborWorks America member, an UnidosUS affiliate, is certified as a Community Housing Development Organization by Harris County. The Affordable Housing Program is dedicated to providing opportunities for individuals, families, and seniors who lack economic resources to access affordable, quality and safe housing. We are dedicated to helping neighborhood residents fulfill the dream of owning a home. Since 2005 we have created over 1600 new homeowners and 2800 mortgage-ready homebuyers. This program meets the unique affordable housing needs of households which do not have full access to traditional channels of funding.
Recently, Tejano Center was deemed to be among the best housing programs in U.S. by UnidosUS, formally known as National Council of La Raza (NCLR). The Agency operates one of the most successful housing counseling programs in Harris County, resulting in hundreds of households succeeding in becoming homeowners each year (Refer to Housing Division Intro.
TCCC has an extensive history of documented success in placing low-income families into permanent owner-occupied housing. TCCC built its first home in 1993. Homeownership Counseling and Post-Purchase Counseling programs began in 1995. Homebuyer Education classes and Incubation Counseling followed as additional services in 2001. Foreclosure Intervention Counseling was started in 2007, and in 2008, the Agency completed a HUD Section 202 Sr. Housing apartment project. In 2010, the agency developed a mortgage lending program. TCCC is one of the very few organizations in Houston that focuses on in-fill housing, a field that developers and builders find difficult, if not impossible to tackle, because of the high cost involved; yet, the Agency has been successful in halting or reversing the social and economic deterioration in several Houston target neighborhoods.
Since 1992, TCCC has amassed an impressive development record as demonstrated by the development of 114 homes (average Sales price $99,000) located in Houston and Port Arthur Texas; the rehabilitation of 45 homes ($5,000 average investment per home) located in the East End; the rehabilitation of 73 homes that suffered damage from Hurricane Ike in 2008 via a partnership with Neighborhood Centers and the United Way, the rehabilitation and resale of 7 homes through the City of Houston’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program; and the completion of TCCC’s first HUD Section 202 Elderly Supportive Housing project, Nueva Vida (66 units, $5.2 million investment).
Collaborative Partners
Throughout its 30-year history, the Affordable Housing Program has formed numerous successful affiliations in the private sector to promote its goals and objectives. This includes builders of affordable homes targeting the organization’s low and moderate-income market. The Affordable Housing Program has developed many local, state and national partnerships, including support from foundations and the corporate sector.
The Affordable Housing Program is a Harris County certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) and a HUD-designated Housing Counseling Agency. Tejano Center’s corporate, governmental, and non-profit and foundation partners include:
- Amegy Bank
- Bank of America
- PNC Bank
- Capital One Bank
- Harris County
- City of Houston
- Community Bank of Texas, N.A.
- JP Morgan Chase Bank
- Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC)
- UnidosUS
- NeighborWorks America
- Greater Houston Community Foundation
- CenterPoint Energy
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Prosperity Bank
- TrustMark Bank
- Commerce Bank
- Origin Bank
The Affordable Housing Program is proud to be affiliated with these businesses and organizations. Their steadfast support and cooperation make our program possible. #MakingItHappenTogether